(330) 819-5816 GenesisRadon@gmail.com

Radon Info

radonDecayChainRadon is the second leading cause of lung cancer. Radon is the number one indoor pollutant in America. Radon is a decaying bi-product of Uranium. Most of Ohio’s Uranium is found in black shale that was deposited by the Glacier eons’ ago. That being said where ever that Glacier traveled the risk of high Radon increases such as the Great Lakes. Radon decays, when Radon decays it emits Alpha Rays that attack your Respiratory System in a similar way smoking does. It’s been said at a Radon level of 10pCi/L it’s the equivalent to smoking a pack of cigarettes a day if exposed for 8 hours or longer. Radon has been compared to getting a chest x-ray a day at a level of 10pci/L as well. In Ohio 10pCi/L is not uncommon. Elderly Adults, and Children are more susceptible to having issues caused by Radon. This is especially true if the immune system is weakened due to illness.

radonHomeRadon gets into your home due to positive pressure from mother earth pushing on homes. Hot air rises. All the air that rises must be replaced with new air. Your home is basically a vacuum cleaner sucking Radon in. On most homes Radon levels typically decrease by 50% starting in basement going up. Depending on where you’re cold air returns, this may or may not be true. In some cases cold air returns in basements can cause the Radon level to be the same throughout the home. Radon is 8 times heavier then air. Radon is lazy, Radon always travels the path of least resistance. Radon can travel through walls, concrete, dirt, sand, and rock. Generally 90% of your Radon will flow from your basement floor. Generally 10% will come through walls, 1st floor slabs, and crawl spaces.

Radon Causes Cancer! TEST+ FIX= LIVES SAVED!!

More facts and info on Radon can be found at the Ohio Department of Health website.